We have our annual John Stubbs Memorial School Day coming up on Tuesday June 25th where we will have over 200 Grade 7 & 8 Students having an introduction to Lawn Bowling over 3 Sessions, 9.30 am to 10.30 am, 10.40 am to 11.40 am and 12.30 pm till 1.30 pm.

We will need at least 24, 20 & 16 volunteers respectively from our Membership for the above sessions, the only criteria and experience required is your patience and the ability to show the students the basics on how to hold and deliver a bowl and explain the object of the game.

Please mark the date on your calendar. There is a ‘sign up ‘ sheet posted on the bulletin board so  please help and get involved as this participation assists the Club in applying for available Government and Via Sport grants.

The number of volunteers above is a bare minimum, more is preferred, so if you can spare an hour or two on the day please help and put your name down.

If you have any questions regarding please do not hesitate to contact me,

Thanks in advance for your help and participation,

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