President’s Corner

Presidents Corner –

Hello everyone,
In a few short weeks our lawn bowling season will begin, and we’ll return to the greens for another fun season of social events and competitive play. I hope that all of you have had an enjoyable and healthy winter and are as excited for the new season as I am.
We adjourned our 2023 Annual General Meeting in October without electing a president. After the close of the meeting, Rob Reynolds volunteered to lead the Kitchen B crew, and I agreed to fill the vacant president position. As authorized by our bylaws, the Executive appointed me to the vacant president position on January 24th, and members will vote to ratify this appointment at the Spring Annual General Meeting.
Your Board of Management has been working together to prepare for the upcoming season: planning Open Houses, club and BSI tournaments, fun days, and finalizing the BSI tournament schedule. We were also successful in bidding for a Provincial Championship tournament. We will host the Men’s and Women’s Provincial Singles Championships between July 5th and 7th. More to come later.
Our 6-year agreement with West Shore Parks and Recreation includes an annual rate review and adjustment. This year, their rates are increasing by 4% for all groups. Bowls BC continues to collect fees based on clubs’ 3-year rolling average number of members. Our contribution has increased by 50.2% this year. Consistent with past practices, your Executive has set this year’s fees to just barely cover the amount our club forwards to West Shore Parks and Recreation and Bowls BC. Regular member fees for this year are $285. For about $13 per week, our members enjoy unlimited bowling, club tournaments, and great social events. See the attached breakdown which shows how your membership fees are distributed. We’ll be sending instructions for Membership Renewals soon.
Coming up this month, we have 2 Open Houses scheduled on Sunday, April 21st and Saturday, April 27th between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. Please take advantage of this opportunity to invite your neighbours, friends, and family to check out our facilities and our bowling and social opportunities. Our coaches will be on hand to introduce them to the sport, and we hope you can come down to lend a hand.
Opening Day and the Spring Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 4th. More to come later.
Your entire Board of Management looks forward to seeing you soon: at the Open Houses, on the greens for Opening Day, and at the Spring Annual General Meeting.
Thank you. Steve
