I have probably already sent this out but if you are planning to drop by at the weekend and are planning to hang around, we have some Xcellent lunch options available , just let the kitchen know before 10.00 am if you require, menu as follows…..
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So, would you like to know more about the Laws of the Sport of Bowls, or do you have any questions regarding them?
Now is your chance as our own Dave Mathie will be hosting a ‘Laws of the Sport’ Rules Clinic on Thursday June 27th from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm approx. at the JDF Clubhouse.
Bring your questions, bring your queries or just sit, listen and learn, this is a prime opportunity to be up to date on any of the latest ‘Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark 4th edition’ (link below for your perusal if you so desire).
This clinic is not just for tournament players but available for all Members regardless of your experience or skill level and will be open for discussion, explanation, or answers to any situations you may not understand or just need clarification on.
This Clinic will help all members be on the same page even if just for regular club play so save the date, see you there.
We have our annual John Stubbs Memorial School Day coming up on Tuesday June 25th where we will have over 200 Grade 7 & 8 Students having an introduction to Lawn Bowling over 3 Sessions, 9.30 am to 10.30 am, 10.40 am to 11.40 am and 12.30 pm till 1.30 pm.
We will need at least 24, 20 & 16 volunteers respectively from our Membership for the above sessions, the only criteria and experience required is your patience and the ability to show the students the basics on how to hold and deliver a bowl and explain the object of the game.
Please mark the date on your calendar. There is a ‘sign up ‘ sheet posted on the bulletin board so please help and get involved as this participation assists the Club in applying for available Government and Via Sport grants.
The number of volunteers above is a bare minimum, more is preferred, so if you can spare an hour or two on the day please help and put your name down.
If you have any questions regarding please do not hesitate to contact me,
Thanks in advance for your help and participation,
Judy will be putting in an order for name tags, if any member needs a replacement.
The cost is $10.
For all new members Judy has placed a separate order.
Please email her before June 16th.
Judy Hambleton
Hello Juan de Fuca Bowlers,
As we know our club is hosting the B.C Provincial Singles Championships from July 5th to 7th.
Kitchen A will be providing our standard coffee, tea and treats service along with a simple “sandwich of the day” special.
The numbers for this event look to be relatively small, probably no more than 50 participants and volunteers all told. A few great volunteers are needed to once again show our JDF Hospitality at it’s best!
Sandi is planning for 2 shifts per day (morning and afternoon), each with 2 Kitchen-A volunteers for both July 5th and 6th and only 1 shift (morning) for the 7th .
So, this means a total of 4 volunteers per day for Friday and Saturday and only 2 for Sunday.
Also, Sandi will be asking for a member to take the lead for the weekend as she will be away. Most of the planning and shopping will be done ahead of time, so this will just be an onsite role.
Please let Sandi know if you can volunteer by calling or texting her at 250-589-5609 or email kitchenA@juandefucalbc.ca or bobandsandidoran2000@gmail.com
Thanks everyone!!
P.S. It’s a great time to get baking and shopping as we will need to refill our freezers for the weekend.
Hi folks,
I was approached recently by a few people regarding my use of the Obi bowling Launcher.
The launcher was created to assist people deliver bowls that may have knee, hip or back issues. I have been using the launcher for the last 2 years and it has certainly helped my knees and my score ha ha ha. I was wondering if anyone would like me to provide a demo and lesson with tips about using the launcher device. I understand that the club has 6 launchers available that may be borrowed to give it a try.
I will be staying after Sunday Cutthroat around noon on June 9th if anyone would like a quick demo/lesson.
Please let me know if you would be interested at palliser@email.com . I could also arrange another time if Sunday would not work.
All the best,
This is a reminder to sign up for the Black & White Tournament as the closing date is May 28th. Sign-up sheet is on the board in the clubhouse or you can register by sending an email to your games committee at tournaments@juandefucalbc.ca
Please follow the link to check out the poster and Conditions of Play https://juandefucalbc.ca/calendar/)
Thank you,
Games Committee
Many thanks to all those club members who donated items to Kitchen A for the Galleon Cup tournament this past weekend, May 18th and 19th. Everyone , players and spectators alike really enjoyed and appreciated the wonderful selection of goodies that we were able to put out for them. It all helped to make our first BSI tournament of the season a huge success.
Thanks and appreciation from Brenda and Wayne Edwards
Hello everyone, just a reminder that the Monday Evening Ladder is starting tomorrow night (May 27). Games start at 6:30 PM; please have your tags in by 6:15 PM.
No entry fees required to join and no prizes at the end. Please check out the poster and Conditions of Play on our website calendar (https://juandefucalbc.ca/calendar/).
Last year’s winner and runner up were both first year novices, so I think this is a great league for new members. If you have not signed up on the signup sheet – you are absolutely most welcome to join in the fun. Drop-ins on any given week are also very welcome to play!
Chris Hayman
Hello Juan de Fuca bowlers!
Our first event of this new season, The Galleon Cup, is scheduled for May 18th and 19th, so it’s time to fill trays of goodies for participants and guests.
As in past years, baking, goodies and contributions from our club members are most welcome!
Read more: TIME TO FILL THE GOODIE TRAYSA few ideas to consider;
Muffins-mini muffins
Sweet breads-banana, etc.
Cakes and squares-coffee cakes, bundt’s, brownies, etc.
Mini croissants and mini donuts
Raisin Bread
Please keep in mind that if you are not a baker or just don’t have the time, there are many great treats available in grocery stores and bakeries these days that are very much enjoyed by everyone.
If you are able to donate for this event, please deliver your goodies to Kitchen A by Friday May 17th.
It’s really helpful to have the date the item was baked or dropped off along with your name on the container. There will be labels, tape and pens on the counter by the kitchen door. Items can then be left on the counter or in one of the fridges.
Thanks everyone and if you have any questions or want to connect please contact Sandi at kitchenA@juandefucalbc.ca
The JDF Calendar has been updated and this coming Saturday May 11 2024 there will be a Meet and Greet tags in at 12.45pm.
Unless we have a club tournament Meet and Greet will be scheduled on a Saturday.
Thank you
Games Committee
Hello everyone, I hope this email finds you well and looking forward to another great season of lawn bowling. I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming open houses on either Sunday April 21st 1:00pm-3:00pm or Saturday April 27th 1:00pm-3:00pm.
Membership update: I am happy to announce that our “Online Membership Form” is in the final stages and should be up and running in the next few days. What does this mean to you? It means you will be able to fill out the form online and send it back to me. No more downloading, no more printing and filling it out manually and no more saving or scanning in order to send it back.
Of course any member who does not feel comfortable doing it this way, will still have the option to print the form and fill it out manually and we will always have forms available when you come down to register at one of our Open Houses.
I will be sending out a follow up email next week with the link and instructions to the “Online Membership Form”.
Lockers: Our locker rental fees remain unchanged this year at $20.00. If you currently have a locker and have decided you do “NOT” want it anymore, please advise Joanne Scarbro at joscarbro@gmail.com as there is currently a waitlist. Also advise Joanne if you don’t have a locker and would like one and she will add you to the waitlist.
Payment: For members who use online banking, we again have the option to pay membership fees online using an e-transfer. This is not mandatory, just another option. Cash and cheques are always accepted.
Fees for this year:
Regular: $285.00
Student 18-24: $215.00
Junior Under 18: $95.00
Associate: $145.00
Social: $20.00
Instructions to pay your fees by e-Transfer:
While the precise steps (such as the names of the buttons you’ll need to click) may differ slightly from bank to bank, you’ll generally need to do the following in order to send an e-transfer:
· Step 1: Sign into online or mobile banking and look for the Interac e-Transfer option.
· Step 2: Add a payee and use this email address
· Step 3: Enter the amount of money you would like to send them from the account you want to send it from.
· Step 4: There is no need to create a password or a security question as we are signed up for auto deposit, which puts the money straight into our account.
· Step 5: Send. You’ll be notified when the e-Transfer is accepted via email.
I am happy to answer any questions, concerns or queries you have. Please contact me by replying to this email.
High Performance Senior Squad
Bowls Canada Boulingrin just announced their High Performance Senior Squad for the next 3 years, a huge congratulations to our own Auzzie Chambers who made the Team.
Well done Auzzie your hard work paid off!!