The JDF LBC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Saturday 2 October at 3 pm in the Clubhouse.

It will be preceded by bowling at 1 pm. Members are urged to attend as we were unable to have an annual meeting last year. Please mark your calendars accordingly.


You are now able to leave your bowls in your lockers. There will be no charge this year. If you do not want to keep your locker please contact Annie M.

Covid Step 3 Back to Bowling

With the latest announcement on Covid Safety Plans and continued relaxation of rules we are now in the next Step of Back to Play. To view the document for all the changes go to the Covid-10 page on the website.

BC Day “In the River”

47 Members sailed in to test their prowess against the fast-moving JDF River! And I wager the river was probably the bigger winner. The game of “In the River” calls for control and accuracy and thank goodness the Greens were not running fast. Thank you to the organizers for creating a fun BC Day for all of us.

Sadly no pictures, we were so busy swimming Down River we forgot to take some!!

Black & White Bear Bowls Tournament Results

Over 80 Bowlers turned out with 27 Novices participating on Saturday July 24th for our first Club Tournament in two seasons, the Black & White Bear Bowls. The B&W was the brainchild of Juno & Keith Terlson and started with the intent of encouraging all Novices to join giving them the chance to play in an actual tournament setting.

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Ladies’ Novice and Ladies Singles

The games will be completed over a period of 14 days. The time of each game will be decided by the bowlers. PLEASE be as accommodating as possible and if you have signed up this tournament, please make a priority. Both tournaments will be played from Aug 16 to 27. A draw schedule will be posted in the club house during the week of Aug 9th.

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Black & White Bear Bowls Tournament

Save the Date…. Saturday July 24, 2021. For more information go to JDF Club Tournaments under the BOWLING EVENTS page. All Club members are welcome and encouraged to play. The intent is for each team to have a Novice on it, this tournament was created to give the Novices a chance to play in a tournament in a safe and fun environment.