At the request of our members we have posted the Club House phone number on our website. The number is now located on the side bar below Contact Us. Please note there is no answering service connected to the number and it will only be answered if someone is in the Club House.

250-478-8384 Local 2264


The Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowls Club is “officially on Facebook”.  You can search Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowls Club-Official or you can follow the direct link below:

Please note this page is not to be confused with another page named Juan De Fuca Lawn Bowls Club. This Facebook page has not been sanctioned by our club.

Please stop by, check it out and let us know what you think of our updated logo! We would love to hear from you. Please click “like” or “follow” to receive on the go updates as they happen.

If you have any questions please reach out to Marion R.

Souvenir Hats


Did you pre-order a souvenir hat for the 2023 Canadian Championships? They are now here and available for pick up. You can drop by this weekend at our Open House from 1-3pm or on our opening day. Club Member’s price for Hats is $20.00

Shirts will be in shortly, but no date as of yet.


Our new flip/toss ‘Coins’ have arrived and will be on sale throughout the year, along with  our ‘Club Cloth’ for those who like to use, photos as below.

These one off a kind collectors items ???? are also part of our fund raising efforts for the Nationals and are on sale for the inflation buster price of $5 each.

So watch for them on sale at our Open Houses and Opening Day, hope to see you all there.

PS – Our Commemorative National Shirts and Hats are now in production and should arrive some time in May.


 We officially get our Clubhouse back this Friday April 14th and in preparation for our Open Houses on Saturday and Sunday we need some help to get the Clubhouse and Patio ready.

So this Friday morning April 14th from 10 am to 12 noon we are looking for some able bodied help to get the greens, patio and Clubhouse ready for action so if you can spare an hour or two come on down and lend a hand.


Hello everyone,

if you currently have a locker and no longer require it, or you would like to go on the waitlist to get a locker, please email Joanne Scarbro.

Joanne will be available to take your payments for lockers at our open houses. The cost of $20 remains the same.

Games Night

40 members joined in on the festivities for a night of fun and friendship. Our first games night of 2023 was a noisy, hilarious and sometimes violent success! There were four different games to choose from, Rummoli, Crokinole, and Spoons, and if you just wanted a quiet peaceful game, Crib was available too. The game of Spoons was particularly lethal. Judy gave Jack a black eye trying to get the spoon out of Gary’s reach and Jean clawed the skin off of Julie’s hand when racing for a spoon! Tough crowd!

We raised $82.00 for the charity Santa’s Anonymous, thank you everyone. There was also an amazing and delicious selection on both the appetizer or dessert tables. Everyone out did themselves with the choices they gave us at.

The next Games Night will be in February, so watch for the email notification.


Thank you to everyone to came out to play on Thursday mornings this season. Your enthusiastic participation each week and determination to learn the rules, improve and compete was amazing!

Congratulations to the following players who have qualified to play in our final play-off games on Thursday.  

Continue reading


As our season is quickly coming to a close, this is a reminder to those who have a locker, that all bowls and personal belongings must be removed from them before or on October 8th, the day of the AGM.
The lockers are used for storage during the winter and must be empty.

Thank you
Joanne Scarbro
Locker Lady

Bowling Under The Stars

Due to the overwhelming response, “Bowling Under The Stars” will go ahead as planned.

We will provide one glow stick per player, but feel free to add your own “glow” items.  

It is getting chilly and damp at night so please dress warmly.

If you haven’t signed up yet, not to worry, just show up. There are no structured teams.

Your games committee


The cost of this Banquet is free to regular members (except drinks) however since we need to advise the Hotel in advance on numbers required for food prep. we need a deposit of $50 per member in advance, however these monies will be returned to you when you attend on the night.

Continue reading


For those Lawn Bowling Participants who may be interested in getting some practice time in before Games start, the Juan de Fuca LBC greens will be available for practice on Tuesday September 13th from the hours of 12 noon until 6.00 pm, JDF Members  will be on hand to welcome you and direct you as required.,


Good Bowling to All,

Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowling Club


Hello everyone,

Due to the popularity of our Bowl for the Cure 2022 charity tournament, the maximum team entries have now been reached. If you are interested in bowling as a spare, please add your name to the list in the clubhouse or contact me at 250-474-2066 or email me at and I will try to accommodate you.

Novices are encouraged to sign up.

Harry Harrison


BSI Men’s Novice Championship Update

Ray lost his last game on Sunday and had 3 wins and 2 losses in the round robin and as a result missed out on the final and a playoff for third and fourth place due to shot differential. Two players went 4 and 1 in each section with Bob Cullen of Vic West winning the final.