Games Night

40 members joined in on the festivities for a night of fun and friendship. Our first games night of 2023 was a noisy, hilarious and sometimes violent success! There were four different games to choose from, Rummoli, Crokinole, and Spoons, and if you just wanted a quiet peaceful game, Crib was available too. The game of Spoons was particularly lethal. Judy gave Jack a black eye trying to get the spoon out of Gary’s reach and Jean clawed the skin off of Julie’s hand when racing for a spoon! Tough crowd!

We raised $82.00 for the charity Santa’s Anonymous, thank you everyone. There was also an amazing and delicious selection on both the appetizer or dessert tables. Everyone out did themselves with the choices they gave us at.

The next Games Night will be in February, so watch for the email notification.