Marion has another Facebook page up and running for Juan de Fuca Members only. This is a private group, meaning you have to be a current member to join. The purpose of this group is to allow members to communicate with each other. If you are looking for a set of bowls OR want to meet up with someone for a game OR you’re interested in playing in a tournament and looking for team members OR if you just have something interesting to share, Post a message in the group

Follow the link below if you would like to join the group. Once you’re approved, you’ll be able to post in the group.


If you have any questions or concerns, please email Marion.


Hello JDF members,

Please be advised that we are still in great need for Markers for the Singles Rounds for the Championships on Saturday August 19th & Sunday August 20th, at present we only have 30 markers signed up to cover 110 games over the three days, we need at least another 20 approximately to accommodate the schedule, even if you are only available for one game one day, every little bit helps.

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Jean Chard is selling these bowls.

Size 1 Henselite Classic bowls FOR SALE

Includes bowl carrier $100

Bowls are outside the office in the clubhouse, and available for a try.



If there is enough interest Jack can order more, takes about a week to 10 days, let him know if you require one.

We have a limited number of Crystal Mark 4th Edition of the Laws of the Sport of Bowls Handbook for sale, cost to the Club was $15, cost to JDF Members is $15, please e mail Jack if you would like one, first come first served,


For those that ordered name badges (tags) they have arrived.

The cost is $10 which you can e-transfer to jhambleton48@gmail.com
Once payment is received I will attach your badge to your name on the tag board inside the clubhouse.
For those you would like to pay cash or cheque I will be at the club house Sunday morning May 28th for cutthroat, Tuesday evening May30th for cutthroat Wednesday morning May 31st for ladders and Saturday June 3rd for Family Fun Day/National Bowls Day at 1pm

For those that would like a name badge (tag) I will put in another order June 6th.
See you at the club
Judy Hambleton


Once again the Clubhouse door was found ajar, unlocked and the office door open at 5.15 pm this Thursday evening.

All Members are reminded that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that if you are last to leave the Club that the premises are secure regardless if there are Greenskeepers or other Westshore personnel around, or if you think someone else will be there shortly.

If in doubt lock it up anyway.

This is the third time this year already and we are not even at the end of May.

Please be diligent and aware.


Last year we had a coaching night for all the Novices on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm that was very popular for our new bowlers, however many of our other club members expressed interest that this is something that they would also like to be included in for personal skills development.

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