Hello JDF Bowlers,
Firstly, a hearty Thank you to our members who volunteered to run Kitchen A during events over the last couple of months! Your hard work and time are so very much appreciated by everyone in our club!
It’s now time to get our volunteer aprons out for the club events leading us up to the Nationals. A busy season for all and your time and effort are invaluable to our continued success.
Right now, a “Kitchen A” handbook is being created. Once complete, it will be available via online club resources and a printed copy will always be in the kitchen (behind the door). We hope this will make everyone feel comfortable working in this club space. If you would like to give the kitchen a try, please let Sandi know and she will set you up with an experienced buddy for an event day. It’s a great way to give back to your club and have some fun too!
The remaining Meet and Greet Saturdays will not include a break, so no kitchen duty will be required. Thanks to Lynda Bell, Donna Harding and helpers who stepped up this Spring.
Here is a list of our upcoming events.

Thanks again everyone!
Sandi Doran