Wednesday Morning Ladder June 01, 2022

The Wednesday Morning Ladder is set to kick off on June 01, 2022. We assemble by no later than 9:45 am, ready to play by 10:00 am. It is designed for Pairs play (2 on a team).

New players are encouraged to join us – the team format is for the top of ladder player(s) to play with bottom of the ladder player(s) i,e, in the example of a 20 player ladder last week’s #1 partners with last week’s # 20, last week’s #2 partners with last week’s #19 & so on up & down the ladder. We play 14 ends each game, & play for 12 weeks. This is a good chance for newcomers to watch & play with or against a variety of people.

We currently have 14 players. We really need 16, 20, 24, 28 etc. to maintain the pairs structure, but we can handle a singles or a triples game into the mix also.

Please contact Nigel via email – – preferred so the teams can be set for day 1. Or, if you forget, just show up on a Wednesday & we will try to accommodate.