Membership Types & Fees


The organized Bowling Season normally runs from April 15th to September 30th. Winter Bowling may be an option if Westshore Parks & Recreation (WSPR) allow access to the Greens (Oct 1st, to Apr 14th).  To join we only have the annual memberships as listed below, there are no initiation or monthly fees.

For the fees associated with the different types of membership see Membership Fee Schedule below for details.

  • Regular- Entitles you to take part in any or all our club’s activities, apply for locker rental and have Member’s Only access to the website.
  • Associate- Must be a member of another club. They can bowl from  April 15th to September 30th, participate in the weekly leagues & ladders, daily draws, drop ins, including all social activities. Associate members cannot represent JDF at any BSI tournament, cannot play in any JDF Club Tournament with an attached Trophy and cannot play with JDF members in closed BSI tournaments, as they would be representing their home club. They will be given access to the Members Only section of the website.
  • Student Age 18-24- Access to all club activities.
  • Junior Age Under 18- Access to all club activities.
  • Social- Access to all social activities, except lawn bowling.
  • Late Joining (New Members Only)- Joining after July 15th. Entitles you to take part in any or all our club’s activities, apply for locker rental and have Member’s Only access to the website. This membership category does not apply to returning members.

Membership Form:

You need to complete a Membership Registration Form when you first join the club and every year thereafter.

Membership cannot be confirmed until we receive your payment of the annual fees. If the fee is not paid by June 1st, you will not have access to the greens for bowling.


The Membership Registrar is available on opening days to register you and take payment. Your annual fee is payable by:

If the Registrar is not present the cheque or cash may put in the mailbox within the club’s office at the Juan de Fuca Clubhouse. Please mark your envelope “Attn: Membership Registrar”, along with your name and phone #.

If you have questions or need help with the application forms, please select CONTACT US  to request assistance.

Guest or Visiting Bowlers:

  • Guest Bowler(s) must be invited by a member of the Juan de Fuca LBC, or a visiting bowler can select CONTACT US  to ask for permission to come and bowl at Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowls Club.  Guests and Visitors must sign in upon arrival, the Sign in Book is in the office.
  • Members from other clubs may bowl at JDF LBC Club for a total of THREE visits in one bowling season but only with a JDF LBC member present. After that if they wish to continue bowling at JDF LBC they must then join as a Regular or Associate member.
  • JDF LBC members who have family or friends visiting who are bowlers are allowed to bring them down to our club and join us in our Daily Draw, Meet & Greet Day, or any Fun Day event.


All fees we collect are allocated to the organizations noted in the schedule table below. The Juan de Fuca LBC does not keep any of these fees for their own use. That is why the grants we apply for and the fundraising we do is so important to the livelihood of the Club.

The fees we pay to Westshore Parks & Recreation (WSPR) cover the use and maintenance of the Club House from April 15th to September 30th. This includes repairs, housekeeping, utilities, washroom supplies etc. WSPR Greenkeepers also maintain all the greens and the surrounding areas and are responsible for the greens throughout the year. This includes prepping the greens in the spring by aerating and sanding. All four greens are cut and rolled daily on a rotational basis, they are fertilized and treated to keep them weed and fungus free throughout the year.

NOTE: **Westshore Parks & Recreation (WSPR) in 2024 have raised the percent they increase the yearly fees to 4% from 2%. This applies to all organizations that pay fees to WSPR.

*Bowls BC & Bowls Canada structure their fees based on each club’s membership numbers from the previous year. Therefore, the fee we pay each year will fluctuate from one year to the next as our membership numbers traditionally fluctuate from one year to another.