Lindsay has sent out an email about the Burnside Women’s Mix & Mingle tournament on Sept 7th.
“I have 33 entries at the moment, and am looking for another 15 maximum and a minimum of 3.
Closing Date – Sept 1st.
I have no one registered from JDF, Victoria, CP or Cowichan, but we have at least 1 from every other club in town registered.
Great representation from Oak Bay again, and I do thank Donna for her enthusiasm for this tournament.
Burnside doesn’t have a lot of novice/intermediate women, but 3/4’s of them are playing this year in it.
Vic West and Central Saanich didn’t get in last year, but have representation this year.
Sidney, Lakehill and GH have a few, so maybe a lot of the women who played in it last year are now in their 4th year.
Please forward to your novices/intermediates, or your coaches to bring to the players attention.
As a reminder, these are the highlights:
- Every player has 3 years or less experience, so it’s a pretty level playing field.
- Three 8 end triples games, starting at 9:30 am
- Each game: change in position and change of team. (don’t worry if you have never skipped, as experienced players/coaches will be wandering around outer edge of the green offering assistance)
- 90 minute time limit
- $20 CASH entry fee to be paid day of tournament
Last year the women all had a good time, and the feedback received means this year should be even better.”
Cheer, Lindsay (Burnside Games co-chair)