Bottle Return Fund Raiser

Bottle Return Fund Raiser:
To help support our club you may return any bottles to these locations and ask
that the refund go to the Juan de Fuca Lawn Bowling account. If donating at the
Langford depot you can ask them to add the donation to account #552 (the JDFLB

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June 10

  1. New Dishwasher being in stalled next week June 14th to 18th .

                                Golf Cart Delivery of which is being held up because of the special motor, coming from Japan, is believed to outrun any Shelby on the road.

June 9

  1. Wednesday Morning Mixed Ladders start up date of June 16, 2021 announced.

                                JUNE 26, 2021 PARTICIPACTION DAY & OPEN HOUSE. We are in ParticipAction the month of June, of which we have received a Grant of $250 to be used to promote ParticipAction in Sport.