June 28th John Stubbs Middle School

On June 28th John Stubbs Middle School will be coming to our club for their annual visit. This is their last day of the school term where they do various activities at Westshore, one of which is lawn bowling.

The Students come and play cutthroat in three (3) one hour sessions from 9:30-10:30 am, 10:45-11:45 am & 12:45-1:45 pm and are there to have fun.

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Our Monday Night Ladder is scheduled to start on Monday June 27th however to date we only have 5 or 6 signed up and without 16 to 20 participants it will not be viable to proceed and will be cancelled, so if you are a bit unsure on how it works ask one of your Games Committee or other senior bowler.

Again this is open to all bowlers regardless of skill level, it will normally be a pairs game subject to numbers attending and is good experience for everyone including novices.

So if you are thinking about it and sitting on the fence, give it a try and sign up on the sheet in the clubhouse,


As most of you are aware we are hosting the Provincial Fours & Pairs Championships in the first two weeks of July, (8, 9, 10 & 15, 16, 17) one of our responsibilities is to supply participants with lunch & dinner during the Competition as well as ‘Tea & Goodies’

Shannon is currently working on menu items but she will be in dire need of some kitchen help during this time in food preparation, serving and clean up, I am confident that our Members will step up to help and showcase our Club to the rest of the Province.

So if you can spare a 2 or 4 hour shift during this time or have any questions regarding please let Shannon know by e-mailing her at: baggottshannon@gmail.com

Your help is needed and appreciated.


To our own Keith Hammel, Georgie Arndt & Connie Harper who went undefeated 3-0 at the Adshead 80 + Mixed Triples held at Canadian Pacific LBC on Thursday May 26th. They placed third place due to overall points differential in very close games, but great showing Guys, well done ????


Our member contact list has been updated on our website. Please check your details for any errors or omissions. You can access it as follows:

     From the Home Page https://juandefucalbc.ca

          *MEMBERS AND ADMIN drop down menu

              * Member’s Contact Lists

 Please note: Only members have access to this information. If you haven’t already done so, here are the instructions on how to obtain a password for member only access.

     From the Home Page https://juandefucalbc.ca

          *MEMBERS AND ADMIN drop down menu

              * Website Registration Members Only

                    *Follow the instructions to register

Invite to 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Burnside Lawn Bowling Club – June 18, 2022

On behalf of the Burnside Lawn Bowling Club, I cordially invite you and the members of your club to attend our 100th Anniversary Celebration. The event will be open to the public and held at our club on Saturday June 18, 2022, from 12:00-3:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided and there will be a photo display showcasing the history of the club and its members. We will also have coaches on hand to share the great sport of bowls with interested attendees.

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Please be advised that the date for our Year End Banquet is now confirmed for Friday October 14th – 2022 at the Westshore Ballroom at the Four Points Sheraton, please mark on your calendar, more details will follow later.