Photo Archives

2006 Photos

2007 Photos > Galleon  |   Joan Price  |   Provincial Pairs  |   Bowl for the Cure

2008 Photos > Opening Day  |  Black and White Tournament   |  Canada Day 2008   |   Provincial Pairs  |     Joan Price Quaddie

2009 Photos > Open House (April 19) | Opening Day | BSI Men’s Pairs | Black and White Tournament | Galleon Cup 2009 | Provincial Singles | Novice Invitational | Roots Quaddie | Osprey Cup Pairs | Joan Price Quaddie | Canada Day

2010 Photos > Not Available

2011 Photos > South Island Men’s Fours  |  Joan Price Quaddie  |   Sadler’s Mixed Triples  |  Earl McCue Mixed Pairs  |  Holiday Week |  Greenskeeper |  Burt Nelson |  Champ of Champs |  Lawn Bowl for the Cure |  Closing Day

2012 Photos > Anne Webster Women’s Triples  |  Aussies Visit  |   Black and White  |  Canada Day  |  Fun Friday Hat Day |  Joan Price Quaddie |  South Island Men’s Fours |  Earl McCue Mixed Pairs |  Holiday Week |  Novice Winner |  Greenskeeper |  Cameron Cup

2013 Photos > Galleon Mixed Pairs  |  Black and White  |  Roots Quaddie  |  Provincial Pairs  |  Osprey Challenge  | Canada Day  |  Fun Friday Hat Day  |  BSI $1000 Challenge  |  BSI Men’s Fours  |  Earl McCue  |  Champ Of Champs |  Bowl for the Cure  |  Lifetime Membership

2014 Photos >   Black and White  |  Findlay Memorial Mixed Triples  |  Osprey Challenge  |  Canada Day  |  Lynn McElroy Memorial Tournament   |  Bowls BC $1000 Mixed Triples |  Thursday Morning Women’s Triples  |  Women’s Competitive Pairs |  Earl McCue |  Joan Price Quaddie  |  Women’s Fours Holiday Week  |  Greenskeeper  |  Thursday Morning Women’s Pairs  |  Provincial Fours |  Bowl for the Cure

*Photo Highlights* – 2014 Christmas Day

2015 Photos > Galleon Mixed Pairs |  Lynn McElroy Memorial Tournament   |  Black and White  |  Rose Bowl  |  BSI Men’s Pairs  |  Over 80 Tournament |  Crackerjack Tournament  | Osprey Challenge  | Lions Mixed Triples  | Women’s Provincial Fours Champs  |  Canada Day  |  Stan’s 90th  |  Ladies Pairs  |  Earl McCue |  Provincial Pairs |  Holiday Week |  Greenskeeper Tournament
 |  Sidney Visit |  Joe and Betty’s 90th |  Champ of Champs |  Bowl for the Cure |  Canadian Women Fours Champs |  Thursday Morning Pairs\Triples |  Yarrow Cup |  Logo Art by Juno

2016 Photos > Opening Day  | Pancake Breakfast  | Black and White  |  Crackerjack Tournament  | Provincial Singles  | Ladies Competitive Pairs  |  Osprey Challenge  | Earl McCue | Canada Day  | Joan Price Quaddie | Greenskeeper  |  BSI Men’s Fours |  Canadian Bronze Medalists |  Thursday Morning Pairs\Triples | Women’s Novice Winner |  Jubilee Pairs |  Bowl for the Cure  |  Ann Webster |

2017 Photos > Opening Day  |  Black and White  |  Peace Findlay  |  SI Mens Pairs  |  Hearts Trophy Tournament  | Provincial Fours  |  Canada Day  |  Charity Cheery Challenge  |  Ladies Pairs  |  Earl McCue |  Joan Price Quaddie | Osprey Challenge  | 2017 Canadian Lawn Bowling Championships  | Greenskeeper Tournament |  BSI Men’s Quaddie |  Thursday Morning Pairs |  Bowl for the Cure |  Crackerjack Tournament |