Please be advised that the Clubhouse will be rented out every Thursday night starting May 26th thru August 25th from 7.00 pm til 9.00 pm however in the event of an emergency and you need to access the defibrillator or first aid kit you will be able to enter.
The greens will still be open for play and locker and equipment room access is normal

Thu, May 26

Thu, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Thu, July 7, 14, 21, 28

Thu, August 4, 11, 18, 25

Adshead 80 plus Tournament

If there are any Members who are over 80 or turn 80 this year and would like to compete in the Adshead 80 plus Tournament next Thursday May 26th to be held at Canadian Pacific let Jack know.

There are three 8 end Games and your teammates would be Georgie Arndt & Connie Harper.

CP are also trying to put together another team, so if you are interested let Jack know as soon as possible.


We would appreciate baking donations for the Galleon Mixed Pairs Tournament to be hosted by our club on May 21st and 22nd. We will be providing coffee, tea and goodies during the event, for a very reasonable price. Please drop off your cookies, squares, cakes and muffins in a ziploc bag or container to the clubhouse on one of the following dates and remember to put your name on the container if you want it back;

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At Central Saanich Lawn Bowling

SIZE 4,5 & 6 also a 7 in great condition

Well Loved Cheap Cheap Cheap

Please contact Cheryle Bergevin @ 250-652-8037 or